Equipes impliquées


Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles (PSH)


UR1115, Avignon, is mainly is involved in agroecology in Horticultural Plants and cropping Systems. The units develops methods that improve the control of insect pests by their natural enemies using either landscape management or the facilitation of pest enemy populations. PSH researchers have experiences in spatial analyses at field and landscape levels. They mainly observe and model the impacts of agricultural practices and landscape features on the dynamics of both pest and natural ennemy populations and the functioning of arthropod communities in orchards.




UMR211, Grignon, is devoted to the design and assessment of innovative and sustainable cropping systems taking into account several crops and diverse biotic and abiotic factors. The two main research activities are (1) design and assessment of cropping system at field scale and at landscape scale, (2) the analysis of crop-pests interaction at field level. The unit develops/uses a diversity of models (eg model named Sippom and Mosaic Pest), statistical methods and expert knowledge on various crops and also at the scale of the cropping system and landscape level.


Institut de Génétique Environnement et Protection des Plantes (IGEPP)


UMR1349, Rennes & Angers, have skills in vegetation and plant sciences, plant proctection and ecology. IGEPP has the ambition to understand the evolution of plant-phyphagous interaction and their adaptation to the agro-ecosystem in order to propose sustainable crop productive systems.


AgroEcologie (AE)


UMR1347, Dijon, involved in issues associated with the conception and the evaluation of agricultural systems that satisfy both food production and environmental criteria. AE participants to PEERLESS belong to “Community ecology and sustainability of agricultural systems” team, which studies links between agricultural systems, functioning of communities and the agroecological services provided by these communities. AE mainly observe, model the impact of agricultural practices on the weed flora and their natural enemies. 


Biostatistique & Processus Spatiaux (BioSP)


UR 546, Avignon, develops therotical and applied research in statistics, spatial and spatio-temporal modeling. BioSP have a particular interest on applied questions about environment, ecology, epidemiology and population biology.


Economie Public (EP)

UMR INRA-AgroParisTech, Grignon, develop research and teaching in applied economics in the fields of agriculture and the environment. Research focuses on environmental and public policy concerns in the agricultural and agribusiness sectors. EP develop methods, simulation models, and tools that can be used by economic policy makers and, more broadly, by all social actors.